I needed to copy so many small files and directories (1.2 TB) to another machine with
netcat (nc). But I faced with a problem when I tried to run nc program on the background with bash. Bash was suspending standard input when I move nc process to background job, this was causing nc processess to die when standard input was blocked. So, I have found another netcat like utility called
socat. Socat is not stop execution while it was working as background job on bash shell. I was able to utilize 100mbit ethernet with few socat processes on server and client side. First of all, I run socat processes on destination server as daemons to listen specific ports. Following, command will run socat in daemon mode to listen on tcp port 4123 and pipe incoming data to tar command on the background.
# (socat -u tcp4-listen:4123 - | tar xzp -C .) &
On source server, I run socat to feed incoming tar data to destination socat daemon where it listens on tcp port 4123. My destination server's ip adddess was .
# (tar -czp - /mydir/1/ | socat -u - tcp4:
So, with a simple bash script I was able to run few socat daemons on destination server with different ports and feed them from source server to achieve higher data transer rate.